Havant Labour Party The Labour Party in Havant - standing up for you and our area
Mark Coates, Labour Councillor For Hayling East

Continue to campaign for year-round testing in Langstone Harbour and more explicit water warnings linked to live releases of raw sewage so we can keep bathers safe
Continue to campaign with other progressive parties to end the Havant Thicket recycled wastewater experiment
Bring energy and vision to our seafront that supports local businesses. Instead of Hayling Island hitting the front pages for being “one of England’s top five worst sewage hotspots,” let’s grab the headlines for introducing a junior coastal parkrun, disabled access to the sea and an extension of the Voi scooter scheme across our seafront!
Fight for proper maintenance of our parks, open spaces and car parks. Why is it that Rowland’s Castle in East Hampshire can enjoy a beautifully maintained, first class park, but residents in Mengham have to suffer a poorly protected, degenerating one? NORSE need to be directed to fulfill their contract or HBC should end that contract and take back control of our frontline services
Bring transparency, accountability and scrutiny to one of the least politically diverse councils in the entire country. I was appalled to see how little detail and debate exists in the cabinet when I went to the Plaza last month – it explains why so many mistakes are made and why HBC is so far behind progressive and politically diverse councils like Portsmouth. We need councillors who will robustly challenge the performance of Southern Water and Portsmouth Water and hold contractors like NORSE to account for their dismal management of our parks. We need a candidate who will reclaim Hayling and stop the rot.