Havant Labour Party The Labour Party in Havant - standing up for you and our area
Hayling West – Sheree Earnshaw
There are many issues affecting Hayling Island at the moment and it is crucial that we elect somebody in Hayling West who is willing to work hard to preserve this Island for everyone. The increasing traffic coming on and off the Island is a problem for all Hayling Islanders. It is evidence of the Tory council’s failure to improve infrastructure to cope with the increase of houses on the Island. I am aware that the Council is considering building another bridge to the Island but is this only a fake promise prior to the local elections. Additionally planned house building threatens Hayling’s precious natural environment.
If you elect me to the council I will press for major new investment in public services on our Island. I want to see a Health Centre fit for purpose, proper police and ambulance stations, more and better social housing, and proper funding for schools and elderly care. We have recently had a number of businesses burgled for the collection boxes and surely this would not have happened if there had been greater police presence.
All of the things that need to change will not happen if the Conservatives stay in power, because their instinct is always to cut services to ordinary people, an example being Library provision, rather than invest in us. Additionally there is a need to increase the provision for Social Care on the Island which has a large population of elderly people. As a UNISON member i will be fighting to ensure that the Council recognises the Ethical and Residential Care charters that will ensure that all care workers are treated fairly.
I pledge to make Hayling Island a fairer and more caring community where decisions are made in the interests of ALL residents and I will always listen to your concerns either by telephone, surgery, text or e-mail.
Contact: sheree.earnshaw@havantlabour.org.uk